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Myofascia of the Knee
The iliotibial band is merely a lateral expansion of the fascia lata and made up of three layers: superficial, middle and deep…
Myofascial Related Structures of the TMJ
Superficial layer: zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch --> mandibular ramus.
Middle layer: zygomatic arch --> mandibular ramus.
Deep layer: zygomatic arch --> mandibular ramus and coronoid process of the mandible. There is debate as to whether the masseter attaches to the articular disc of the TMJ.
Craniocervical Junction
The dura mater receives myofascial attachments in the craniocervical junction from…
Movement of Spinal CSF
Movement of CSF contained within the dural (thecal) sac in the subarachnoid space is determined by…
Diploic Veins
Diploic veins are valveless channels traveling intraosseously in the diploic space between the inner and outer tables of the calvaria (diploë).
Extraocular Muscles & Headaches & Migraines
Anatomy of the extraocular muscles: there are seven extraocular muscles…
g-Lymphatic System
There is increasing insight into the role of the production and absorption of CSF and interstitial fluids into the lymphatic system.
From Inside to Out: the Nerves that Pierce the Skull
Upper cervical headaches can have, in part, a distrtibution that shares a trigeminal nerve pain pattern. Chou and Lenrow (2002) identified C2 and C3 headache pain patterns as…
Complex Region Pain Syndrome
The following is based on the work: Complex regional pain syndrome: a recent update (2017). En Lin Goh, Swathikan Chidambaram, and Daqing Ma.
Surface Anatomy of the Abdomen
Standring (2015) found the surface anatomy of the diaphragm to be at end-tidal inspiration to extend down to the right 5th intercostal space and left r6 both in the midlclavicular line. It can range from the 4th intercostal space to below the costal margin.
The pericardium is located behind the sternum and r2-6 costal cartilages. It is separated into an outer and inner layer…
Endoabdominal Fascia
At the pelvic brim the urogenital fascia accompanied the ureters and the hypogastric nn. into the pelvis…
Myofascial Relations of the Femoral & Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerves
Femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve symptoms are a common presentation in osteopathic practise.
These symptoms are not always caused by an entrapment neuropathy. However, cases that are and amenable to osteopathic treatment can be greater understood by appreciating the relation of the femoral nerve and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve to the psoas, iliacus, fascia iliaca and inguinal ligament.
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment
Fine architecture of the fascial planes around the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve at its pelvic exit: an epoxy sheet plastination and confocal microscopy study (2018). Xu Z, Tu L, Zheng Y, Ma X, Zhang H, Zhang M.
Medial Knee Pain: Pes Anserine Anatomy & the Associated Fascia
The pes anserine is composed of the:
Supraspinous and Interspinous Ligaments: Myofascial Contributions
The supraspinous ligament forms part of the posterior ligamentous system of the vertebral column. It is a strong fibrous cord that connects the tips of the spinous processes…
Cranial Tightness: Myofascial & Neurological Causes
Cranial tension is associated with various different conditions from headaches and migraines to temperomandibular joint dysfunction. Myofascial and neurological reflexes can provide an interesting insight into the pathology of these type of disorders. The main clinical points listed in this article are:
Hip & Anterior Thigh Pain
The relations of the gluteus minimus and tensor fascia lata to the rectus femoris can have important clinical applications to patients with hip and anterior thigh pain.
Muscular-Ligamentous-Fascial Layers of the Glenohumeral Joint
Subacromial bursitis and soft tissue pathologies are common problems associated with the shoulder.