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Crural Fascia
Stecco et al (2009) found the crural fascia composed of three layers of parallel, collagen fibre bundles separated by a thin layer of loose connective tissue. Only a few elastic fibres were found…
Tensor Fascia Lata & Iliotibial Band: Anatomy & Function
The iliotibial band is merely a lateral expansion of the fascia lata and made up of three layers: superficial, middle and deep.
Psoas Major
The Psoas has fibrous attachments to the anterior aspect of L1-5 transverse processes and to the anteromedial aspect of L1-5 discs (except L5/S1) and vertebral bodies.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Fascial Considerations
Traction or inflammation of the brachial plexus can account for a variety of cervical spine, periscapular and upper extremity symptoms.
Saphenous Neuropathy: Soft Tissue Causes
Entrapment neuropathy of the saphenous nerve in the subsartorial (adductor) canal can account for:
Anteromedial thigh and shin symptoms.
Knee medial joint line pain.
Restless leg syndrome (Lewis 1991).
Medial tibial pain (Hemler et al 1991).
Upper region of the popliteal fascia (Satoh et al 2016). These authors found the popliteal fascia innervated by either the posterior femoral cutaneous or saphenous nerve.
Iliolumbar Ligament
The iliolumbar ligament is generally documented as being split into anterior and posterior bands extending from the L5 transverse process to the ilium (Rucco et al 1996).
Cranial Osteopathy
Cranial osteopathy is a gentle non-invasive technique aimed at areas of stress and tension around the head. For this reason it is typically associated as a treatment of choice for babies and infants but it is widely used on adults as well.
Rotator Cuff & Deltoid Muscle Anatomy & Mechanics
Rotator cuff anatomy has been traditionally viewed as a series of single muscles with each muscle responsible for a different action.
Sacroiliac Joint
The sacroiliac joint is responsible for many different pain presentations. Clinical testing and the effects of joint manipulation has received mixed reviews…
Rhomboid, Levator Scapula & Serratus Anterior Muscle Chain
Rhomboid, Levator Scapula and Upper Trapezius dysfunction are commonly diagnosed in patients experiencing thoracic and cervical spine complaints. Less widely documented is the influence of the Serratus Anterior.
Obturator Neuropathy
Groin, medial thigh and knee symptoms can be attributed to an obturator neuropathy. Tipton (2008) describes symptoms of a ‘deep ache’ while Bradshaw et al (1997) and Brukner at al (1999) describes symptoms of a normal groin strain on exercise.
Sciatica: it’s not just about the Piriformis
Sciatica is a common condition in the population. In the absence of active pathological findings in the lumbar spine deep gluteal space problems can cause a dynamic or non-dynamic compression of the sciatic nerve. Whilst Piriformis syndrome is typically associated with this and can be commonly described simply as a “tight Piriformis” the range of problems is more diverse and the pathology of deep gluteal problems as a whole more complex.
Fluid Flow in the Head: a New Model for Cranial Osteopathy
Osteopaths have been palpating movement at the cranium for over 100 years. Cranial osteopathy has gained much popularity as a treatment modality but emerging research may throw light on some of the clinical phenomena observed in practice.
The Cervical Spine: a Neurological & Myofascial Perspective on Headaches & Migraines
Headaches and migraines can be attributed to and complicated by many different conditions. The cervical spine is just one of the areas to be examined. Peculiarities of the neuro- and myofascial anatomy of this area throw potential light on areas not just associated with the neck but many structures around the face.
Entrapment Neuropathies Causing Low Back & Pelvic Pain
A common clinical presentation in patients with low back pain is pain around the region of the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) and buttocks. Amongst other conditions various local entrapment neuropathies in the soft tissue can account for these symptoms. Some of these entrapment neuropathies have been well documented and others due to observations on dissection could be a potential site of a double crush syndrome.
One You: It’s Easier to Improve Your Health Than You Think
Being active has lots of benefits for your body. As well as lowering your risk of developing serious health problems, such as heart disease and type-2 diabetes in later life, being active helps keep your heart healthy, your muscles, bones and joints strong and can improve your balance.
Jaw (TMJ) pain: Symptoms & What Can be Done
Neck pain, headaches and migraines are a common cause of concern amongst many patients. These symptoms can be disabling as well as acutely painful and present to us often undiagnosed.
Low Back Pain Tips
Before implementing any advice on low back pain you should first be assessed by an appropriate healthcare practitioner as not all advice is appropriate for all types of back pain.