Jaw (TMJ) pain: Symptoms & What Can be Done
Symptoms of TMD
Causes of TMD
What can be done for TMD
Neck pain, headaches and migraines are a common cause of concern amongst many patients. These symptoms can be disabling as well as acutely painful and present to us often undiagnosed.
Whilst there are many causes of these symptoms the diagnosis that most often gets missed is a problem with the jaw known as the temperomandibular joint (TMJ). It's been estimated that up to 30% of adults will experience Temperomandibular joint disorders (TMD) at some point in their lives.
Symptoms of TMD
The most common symptoms of TMD are(1):
Clicking, popping or grating noises when moving your mouth
Muscle pain around the jaw
Pain in front of the ear that may spread to the cheek, ear and temple
Difficulty opening the mouth – the jaw may feel tight, as if it is stuck, making eating difficult
Headache or migraine(2)
Earache or a "buzzing" or blocked sensation in the ear
Pain in other areas of the body – such as neckache or backache
Changes in neck posture(3)
One paper even showed a link between TMD and aspects of vision. This is because the nerve that goes to the jaw (TMJ) and muscles that move the jaw are intimately linked with the muscles that sense movement in the eyes(4).
This nerve also has a potential link with many other nerves that can affect organs all over the body(4).
Causes of TMD
Possible causes of TMD include(1):
Clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth when asleep (bruxism). This is commonly caused by stress and overworks the jaw muscles and puts pressure on the joint.
Wear and tear of the inside of the jaw joint – usually caused by osteoarthritis
Injury to the jaw joint – for example, after a blow to the face or surgery
Stress – some people may inherit increased sensitivity to pain or stress
Uneven bite – for example, when new fillings, dental crowns or dentures are fitted
Specific diseases – TMD may be associated with specific diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout or fibromyalgia
What can be done for TMD
Osteopathy aims to release tightness and tension around the TMJ to alleviate pain and help increase the range of movement in the jaw. Specific techniques that involve inserting the finger in the mouth to relieve the deep tension in the jaw muscles have been shown to be highly effective(5).
Problems that develop secondary to jaw problems including neck and shoulder pain can also be treat by your osteopath. You can also contact your dentist to be assessed for a mouth guard (plastic devices that fit over your teeth) which may be helpful if you grind your teeth.
There are a number of self-help measures that can help improve TMD, including(1):
Resting the joint by eating soft food and avoiding chewing gum
Holding a warm or cold flannel to the jaw for 10-20 minutes, several times a day
Doing a few gentle jaw-stretching exercises – your healthcare professional can recommend appropriate exercises
Avoiding opening the joint too wide until the pain settles
Avoiding clenching the teeth for long periods of time
Massaging the muscles around the joint
Relaxation techniques to relieve stress
Not resting your chin on your hand
(1) http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/temporomandibular-joint-disorder/Pages/Introduction.aspx. Accessed 4.2.2017
(2) Temporomandibular dysfunction and headache disorder (2015). Speciali JG, Dach F.
(3) Static body postural misalignment in individuals with temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review (2014). Thaís C. Chaves, Aline M. Turci, Carina F. Pinheiro, Letícia M. Sousa, Débora B. Grossi
(4) Dental Occlusion and Ophthalmology: A Literature Review (2016). Nicola Marchili, Eleonora Ortu, Davide Pietropaoli, Ruggero Cattaneo, Annalisa Monaco
(5) Intra-oral myofascial therapy versus education and self-care in the treatment of chronic, myogenous temporomandibular disorder: a randomised, clinical trial (2013). Allan Kalamir, Petra L Graham, Andrew L Vitiello, Rodney Bonello, and Henry Pollard